After exams, post exam activities sucks. Just so plain boring can?! All are like talks and talks and MORE talks -.- wasting my time throughout the wholeeeeeee 8am to 1am .
I only like yesterday the part where we play captains ball with the guys. AWWWWW! DDDDamn it fun. Hahas! We almost trash them, but after that we girls all tired le so started to like slack down. :D Nevertheless, it was a good game :D long time since i sweat like that. :)
Okayyyy~ Let's not talk about school.
Hmmmm... went to sinmay's house to bake COOKIEEEEEEEEE :D hahas. For Matthew Hoe whose leaving soon. OWWWWWWWWWW~ so sad. But even the cookies we made were to guai lan him de. Haas.

Cause he always don't allow us to play cards. We make 4 dees for him :D so when he eat, it can remind him of us! clever right?!
Went off at 5.30 and change and went to meet Debbie mdm. Reach Taekwondo for the earliest my lifetime... HAHA... LEARNNNNNNNN PATTERNN!!!
yayyyyyyyyyyy~ my favvvvv. Most lax one. i wanna practice hard, and get a
(let me day-dream a while okay? lols)
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